Monday, April 24, 2017

China urges restraint in dealing with North Korea

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China urges restraint in dealing with North Korea

Tensions have recently soared between North Korea and the US over missile tests [File: EPA]

The appeal comes during Xi phone call to Trump following rising speculation N Korea may hold a sixth nuclear test this week.

China's President Xi Jinping has called for restraint when dealing with North Korea during a telephone call with US President Donald Trump, according to Chinese state media.
The official broadcaster CCTV quoted Xi on Monday as telling Trump that China strongly opposed North Korea's nuclear weapons program, which is in violation of UN Council resolutions, and hoped all parties will exercise restraint and avoid aggravating the situation" on the Korean Peninsula.
The Trump administration has warned that all options, including a military strike, are "on the table" to halt North Korea's ambitions of developing a nuclear-tipped missile that could reach the US mainland.
The phone call, which took place on Monday morning Beijing time, came amid speculation that North Korea could hold a sixth nuclear test this week.
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